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Frequently asked questions.

How many years of experience does Ace Cargo have?

With team members with over 50 + years of experience collectively, Ace Cargo brings you years of expertise in freight and customs services, ensuring reliable solutions for businesses across the UK.

How do we determine your rates?

Through carefully curated internal forumulas which are updated week on week to provide you with the best possible rates!

What are the Taxes & Duties applicable on my freight?

This entirely depends on the shipping method, valuation method, origin of the goods and further criteria. Please call in and ask to speak to our customs team to get more clarity as each case is Unique!

How are detention and demurrage charges calculated?

The agreement terms and free time available for detention and demurrage are typically outlined in your contract with the shipping line or freight forwarder. You’re made aware of these details when booking the shipment, as they’re included in the shipping documents or provided during the booking confirmation. Free time can vary depending on the carrier, the type of cargo, and the port, so it’s essential to review these terms upfront to avoid unexpected charges.

Our partners/

Brands & companies we worked with.

At Ace Cargo Clearance Ltd, we take pride in collaborating with a diverse range of brands and companies that share our commitment to quality and innovation. Our partnerships have enabled us to create unique solutions tailored to meet the needs of our clients.

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